Ant & Christina teaching you to make Pho 20 noodles in 20 minutes

7 hours to make Pho!? Let’s make it in 20 minutes!! Hungry Ant brings a bomb tasting recipe with every one’s favorite Vietnamese beef noodle soup!

Why make Pho in 7 hours when you can do it in 20 minutes. Let our cook today, Ant show you the tasting recipe to make you this tasty Vietnamese beef noodle with soup from Pho 20 today !

1 Comment:

  1. Phoebe

    Oh Dear pho is certainly one of my favorite noodles looks sooo good there is certainly destination where we live in British we have bubble tea and pho but they shut down at the moment simply because of lockdown watching this video made miss it even more looks great 😍 that me and my husband go to

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